Scott PrillAug 13, 2019Book Giveaways!Several months ago I did a book giveaway on one of the various book sites for Into the Realm of Time. I volunteered to give books to...
Scott PrillAug 13, 2019“Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” My previous blog entry touched on this subject; however, I think it is worth discussing again. A question I have been asked multiple...
Scott PrillAug 6, 2019The Journey Continues!I have been asked whether there will be a sequel to Into the Realm of Time? The answer is yes, as several people already know. When I...
Scott PrillAug 5, 2019Welcome!Greetings – welcome to my blog! That is an interesting comment for me to make since I'm not even sure how a blog operates. But over the...