As I noted in my last blog post, summer was half over and the football machine was cranking up. Well, fast forward to today: winter is here and the football season is at its crest. And I am consistent – I rarely post a blog entry. I hope that will be a New Year’s resolution: to provide more blog entries.
My new book, Where the Corn Grows Tallest, is still a work in progress. One thing I have learned over the past year is that, in my opinion, a murder mystery needs to be very time specific. The story sequencing needs to be precise. In my historical fiction Roman books, my timing could be more free flowing and not as precise.
I am aiming to release Where the Corn Grows Tallest in April 2023 (fingers crossed). In the coming months, I will post blog entries that discuss the new book and my writing process. As they say - “Stay tuned.” And I welcome any and all comments you may have about my books and writing in general.
In the meantime, Happy New Year and Enjoy Life! Take care.